Le travail à l’ère du switch

En France, 59 % des jeunes de 18 à 35 ans savent qu’ils changeront de métier plusieurs fois dans leur vie. L’heure de la génération reconversion a-t-elle sonné ? C’est en tout cas ce sur quoi parie Switch Collective, qui propose un programme pour aider à se réorienter, en toute sérénité.

Article publié sur les Echos Start le 18 mars 2016, à retrouver ici.



2 réflexions sur “Le travail à l’ère du switch

  1. Super interesting. Since you’ve seen some of the French and american education systems, do you think that this problem exists uniquely in France due to the lack of « Liberal Arts » studies, or do you think/expect there to be just as many people in the US, for example, who feel the same way? Are there any organizations that also exist in other parts of the world that you know of that help people « find themselves » and what they want to do in life? Cool article!

    • Thanks for your feedback ! Honestly, I don’t know if it is a feeling shared widely in the western societies (but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was). I don’t know neither if there are other organizations that do the same job. But this evolution of work is global, then i think it is a concerning topic for a very large part of the population right now and the years to come (and not only the best educated one, as we may think at first).

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